The Internet has given today's companies a new set of capabilities. Among those capabilities is the ability to operate a new information channel. Describe how information can be used by the marketer in this new channel.

The Internet has given today's companies a new set of capabilities. Among those capabilities is the ability to operate a new information channel. Describe how information can be used by the marketer in this new channel.

Answer: Companies can operate a powerful new information and sales channel, the Internet, with augmented geographical reach to inform and promote their businesses and products worldwide. By establishing one or more Web sites, a company can list its products and services, its history, its business philosophy, its job opportunities, and other information of interest to visitors. This provides consumers with a direct access to the company. Almost all Web sites include a "contact us" section that enables consumers to put forth their queries and interact with the company directly. This in turn allows marketers to be aware of people's opinions and preferences.

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