Amtrak: Amtrak is taking the gloves off in advertisements and belittling its major competition, which is airline shuttles. Amtrak's new name for its Metroliner is The Smart Shuttle. Gone are ads that were inwardly directed and sold the Metroliner on its leisurely pace.

Amtrak: Amtrak is taking the gloves off in advertisements and belittling its major competition, which is airline shuttles. Amtrak's new name for its Metroliner is The Smart Shuttle. Gone are ads that were inwardly directed and sold the Metroliner on its leisurely pace. 

In their place are ads showing rapid shots of the sleek train and business executives conducting nononsense meetings "eyeballtoeyeball." The campaign, which includes television, radio, print, billboards, and posters in commuter railroad cars, targets business travelers, who, Amtrak says, incorrectly believes the train takes far longer than the airplane to travel between two cities. One television spot opens with a shot of airplanes stacked up in a tarmac traffic jam. Another shows a business traveler lumbering into the airport during a snowstorm. The announcer says, "Schedule a meeting. Take the shuttle. Then cross your fingers." The poor soul looks up at the departure board and sees a row of "Canceled" signs. The announcer continues, "Schedule a meeting. Take the Metroliner. Then cross your legs."

  • Refer to Amtrak. The means by which Amtrak communicates with business travelers about the merits and characteristics of the Metroliner is called:

a. distribution.
b. direct marketing.
c. promotion.
d. publicity.
e. personal selling.


  • Refer to Amtrak. The plan to optimally utilize television, radio, print, and out-of-home vehicles to target business travelers is called a:

a. promotional strategy.
b. marketing mix.
c. promotion goal.
d. selling plan.
e. publicity plan.


  • Refer to Amtrak. Amtrak's campaign stresses that the Metroliner is more comfortable and more likely to be on time and run in inclement weather. The promotional campaign focuses on Amtrak's:

a. superior skill set
b. special feature
c. tactical strategy
d. differential parity
e. competitive advantage

  • Refer to Amtrak. Amtrak's campaign is designed to communicate to a large audience via television, radio, and print. This is an example of ___ communication.

a. mass
b. clutter
c. interpersonal
d. intrapersonal
e. public


  • Refer to Amtrak. Amtrak originated the new campaign. Amtrak represents the ___ in the communication process.

a. promotional impetus
b. decoder
c. sender
d. channeler
e. receiver


  • Refer to Amtrak. Television, radio, print, and out-of-home media represent the ___ in the communication process used by Amtrak.

a. feedback loop
b. channel
c. encoder
d. receiver
e. communicator


  • Refer to Amtrak. Amtrak's careful coordination of all of its promotional activities to present a single, focused communication to its consumers is an example of:

a. coordinational promotion.
b. promotional mixing.
c. integrated marketing communications.
d. creative selling.
e. processed marketing.


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