According to the late retail consultant Robert Kahn, many retailers mistakenly believed that simply placing more products in a store increased sales per square foot. Kahn indicated that higher sales per square foot could be explained by understanding basic consumer behavior. Kahn's rationale can best be understood through the formula: sales per square foot equals:

According to the late retail consultant Robert Kahn, many retailers mistakenly believed that simply placing more products in a store increased sales per square foot. Kahn indicated that higher sales per square foot could be explained by understanding basic consumer behavior. Kahn's rationale can best be understood through the formula: sales per square foot equals:

a. the number of retail customers multiplied by the length of time they spend in the store.

b. the number of retail customers divided by the square foot of retail space.

c. the number of products carried multiplied by the number of retail customers.

d. the number of products carried multiplied by the shelf space available divided by the number of retail customers.

e. retail sales divided by square footage.

Answer: A

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