When MetaboLife first came on the market, its only product was a weight-loss pill that was guaranteed to energize the user by causing a greater level of physical activity, which would help in burning calories. This was its only product, and it was marketed to anyone who wanted to lose weight or have more energy. This means, that its target market was virtually anyone breathing because very few people like their current weight, and everyone could use a little more energy. MetaboLife used:

When MetaboLife first came on the market, its only product was a weight-loss pill that was guaranteed to energize the user by causing a greater level of physical activity, which would help in burning calories. This was its only product, and it was marketed to anyone who wanted to lose weight or have more energy. This means, that its target market was virtually anyone breathing because very few people like their current weight, and everyone could use a little more energy. MetaboLife used:

A. concentrated marketing.

B. undifferentiated marketing.

C. market atomization.

D. niche marketing.

E. demographic segmentation.

Answer: B

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