Concern about terrorists using biological warfare has caused the U.S. government to create stockpiles of specific drugs. The federal government has purchased Cipro, the only drug specifically approved by the FDA to treat inhaled anthrax from Bayer, the German drug and chemical company. The U.S. government has also purchased smallpox vaccine from Acambis, a British drug company. These transactions are examples of:

Concern about terrorists using biological warfare has caused the U.S. government to create stockpiles of specific drugs. The federal government has purchased Cipro, the only drug specifically approved by the FDA to treat inhaled anthrax from Bayer, the German drug and chemical company. The U.S. government has also purchased smallpox vaccine from Acambis, a British drug company. These transactions are examples of:


the circular flow of products.


market dynamics.


global organizational markets.


organizational clusters.

Answer: C

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