What are the six eras of marketing?

What are the six eras of marketing?

1. Production era

2. Sales era

3. Marketing era

4. Market orientation era

5. Customer experience management era

6. Social media marketing era

Marketing is believed to have progressed through stages and phases of evolution as advances in all life changed how people live and work.

What was the Production Era?

-Pre 1920's (Industrial Revolution)

-Inward focus on what you can make efficiently, not about what the customer wanted

-During this era, consumers favoured products that were widely available and low in cost; hence concentration was on high production and wide distribution of products

-Technical developments fueled this, with the assembly line becoming a major component of the era

-Seller's market: Demand exceeds supply

What was the Sales Era?


-Sales have to change the minds of customers because nobody had money during the depression

-Aggressive, short term profit maximization

-aggressive promotion was considered as the driving force towards success. The ideology was that organizations must motivate consumers into buying products. Organizations' focuses during this era was selling what they produced as compared to producing what the consumer or market wanted

What was the Marketing Era?


-When consumers became central focus of business, marketing concept

-Marketing was not a thing until this fundamental change

-Introduction of several marketing approaches

-This was the time when organizations' focus was on the need to satisfy consumers' needs

What was the Customer relationship era?

-Current and new model for marketing success

-In the marketing evolution, customer relationship era does NOT rely on the influence of mass media on consumers' change of attitude towards buying products and services produced by organizations and companies. The focus of this era is to build a kind of mutual trust between the organizations brand and the consumers through engagement. Organizations identify the needs, interests and wants of the target consumers and build up strategies to deliver the desired satisfaction's effectively. In other words, marketers build relationships with consumers to drive satisfactions and sales

Why is it important to understand each era?

1. By understanding how these eras evolved, you may have a better understanding of the marketing concept

2. Nowadays, several industries are still behaving as if they were in old eras. There is nothing bad about that, it may just be that the market doesn't need to get more complicated

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