Burdwick's Menswear Store has decided to segment its market based on gender, income, and occupation. Which of the following would most appropriately describe their form of segmentation?

Burdwick's Menswear Store has decided to segment its market based on gender, income, and occupation. Which of the following would most appropriately describe their form of segmentation?

A. Geographic segmentation

B. Demographic segmentation

C. Benefit segmentation

D. Psychographic segmentation

E. Behavioral segmentation

Answer: (B) Geographic segmentation deals with breaking down a market based on the geographic location of consumers, so (A) is incorrect. Benefit segmentation deals with the different benefits from a product sought by consumers, so (C) is incorrect. Psychographic segmentation involves consumers' lifestyles (D) and behavioral segmentation divides a market based on usage behavior of consumers (E). Both (D) and (E) do not utilize gender, income, or occupation to segment markets, so they are incorrect choices. However, demographic segmentation (B) does take into consideration consumers' demographics such as income, occupation, and gender. Therefore, the right answer is (B).

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