Joe Fisherman wants to know his percent markup on retail of a pair of shoes for which he paid $1,000. He knows the amount of markup was $600. Which of the following would answer his question?

Joe Fisherman wants to know his percent markup on retail of a pair of shoes for which he paid $1,000. He knows the amount of markup was $600. Which of the following would answer his question?

A. 40%

B. 150%

C. 50%

D. 60%

E. 100%

Answer: (D) In order to calculate percent of markup to selling price one would use the formula amount of markup/selling price = percent of markup to selling price. Since this comes out to 60%, (D) is correct. (A) is incorrect because $600/1,000 = 60%. (B), (C), and (E) are also incorrect for the same reason.

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