Which of the following dimensions of service marketing refers to the notion that the quality of a service depends upon who provides it as well as when, where, and how it is provided?

Which of the following dimensions of service marketing refers to the notion that the quality of a service depends upon who provides it as well as when, where, and how it is provided?

A. Intangibility

B. Inseparability

C. Perishability

D. Homogeneity

E. Variability

Answer: (E) Service marketing is different from product marketing in at least four ways. They are intangibility (A), inseparability (B), perishability (C), and variability (E). Homogeneity is not one of the traits of services, so (D) should be eliminated. The correct answer is (E) because variability refers to the fact that the quality of a service is contingent upon who provided the service, and when, where, and how it was provided.

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