Arm & Hammer maker of Crystal Blend scoopable cat litter, Super Scoop, the baking soda clumping litter, Super Clay, the premium lightweight clay litter, and Cat Litter Deodorizer ran a contest to find the "Coolest Cat Trick." First prize was $10,000, and several smaller prizes were awarded to other participants. The most likely reason why Arm & Hammer used this contest was to:

Arm & Hammer maker of Crystal Blend scoopable cat litter, Super Scoop, the baking soda clumping litter, Super Clay, the premium lightweight clay litter, and Cat Litter Deodorizer ran a contest to find the "Coolest Cat Trick." First prize was $10,000, and several smaller prizes were awarded to other participants. The most likely reason why Arm & Hammer used this contest was to:

A. move consumers to the conviction stage of the hierarchy of effects model.

B. reposition the brand name.

C. create an easily measured ad recency effect.

D. generate excitement and interest about the Arm & Hammer brand cat litters.

E. get users of other brands to try Arm & Hammer brand.

Answer: D

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