The Bugs Burger Bug Killers Guarantee includes:

The Bugs Burger Bug Killers Guarantee includes:

- You don't owe us a penny until all the pests on your premises have been eradicated

- If you're ever dissatisfied with the BBBK's service, you will received a refund for as much as 12 months of service

- If a guest spots a pest on your premises, the exterminator will pay for the guest's meal or room, send a letter of apology and pay for a future meal or stay.

- If your premises are closed down because of the presence of roaches or rodents, BBBK will pay any fines, as well as all lost profit, plus $5,000

This is an example of

a. Single attribute - specific guarantee

b. Multi attribute - specific guarantee

c. Full satisfaction guarantee

d. Combined guarantee

Answer: D

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