During the 2012 SuperBowl, there was a power black-out at the stadium that caused a thirty minute delay of the game. During this period, Nabisco, Tweeted the picture and comment: "You can still dunk in the dark" referring to dunking Oreo cookies in milk. This Tweet was then re-Tweeted and Favourited several thousand times. Which aspect of social media allowed Nabisco to measure the response to their Tweet?

During the 2012 SuperBowl, there was a power black-out at the stadium that caused a thirty minute delay of the game. During this period, Nabisco, Tweeted the picture and comment: "You can still dunk in the dark" referring to dunking Oreo cookies in milk. This Tweet was then re-Tweeted and Favourited several thousand times. Which aspect of social media allowed Nabisco to measure the response to their Tweet?


social media offers infinite survey


social media allows real-time responses and feedback


social media has infinite panel


social media reveals 'hidden' insights

Answer: B

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