In BC, there is a marketing campaign called WorkSafeBC designed to encourage young university and college students to keep safe in the workplace. After viewing various advertisements encouraging students to volunteer their time to give safety seminars, Thomas began paying closer attention to safety issues in his chemistry laboratories at university and decided to volunteer his time to get involved in delivering these safety seminars across campus. He felt personally satisfied that he was giving something back to his university. Was this a marketing exchange?

In BC, there is a marketing campaign called WorkSafeBC designed to encourage young university and college students to keep safe in the workplace. After viewing various advertisements encouraging students to volunteer their time to give safety seminars, Thomas began paying closer attention to safety issues in his chemistry laboratories at university and decided to volunteer his time to get involved in delivering these safety seminars across campus. He felt personally satisfied that he was giving something back to his university. Was this a marketing exchange?


no, because the seller is a non-profit organization.


yes, because the BC government ran an advertisement.


yes, because Thomas' volunteer time and efforts were exchanged for a feeling of satisfaction.


no, because no money was exchanged.

Answer: C

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