The last group in the diffusion of innovations process, non-adopters, represent people who will never buy the new product. Why is it important to remember this group when dealing with new product introductions?

The last group in the diffusion of innovations process, non-adopters, represent people who will never buy the new product. Why is it important to remember this group when dealing with new product introductions?

a. Because these people will be the innovators for the next generation of the new product.

b. Because you need to take these people into account in order to understand the true market potential for your new product.

c. Because these people can be converted to late adopters if you change your advertising method.

d. because these people may be converted to customers if the word of mouth or 'buzz' about the new product is good enough.

Answer: Because you need to take these people into account in order to understand the true market potential for your new product

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