Advertisements of Brita LED Lightings are in the form of comparative advertising to emphasize the benefits of using LEDs over CFLs. The ads emphasize that Brita's LEDs cost less than CFLs or other brands' LEDs, last longer, consume lesser energy, and need to be replaced fewer times than CFLs. In this case, which of the following advertising appeals is used in these ads?

Advertisements of Brita LED Lightings are in the form of comparative advertising to emphasize the benefits of using LEDs over CFLs. The ads emphasize that Brita's LEDs cost less than CFLs or other brands' LEDs, last longer, consume lesser energy, and need to be replaced fewer times than CFLs. In this case, which of the following advertising appeals is used in these ads?

A. Admiration

B. Profit

C. Vanity and egotism

D. Health

Answer: B. Profit

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