When advertising a test product, should test locations in particular markets be isolated from media with a far reach, such as television?
a. No, if media advertising cannot reach outside that particular market, it will fail to project the product's true potential outside the market and thus the product may then appear less successful than it could be.
b. No, if media advertising cannot reach consumers within the market area being tested, it may fail to pull in many consumers from the market and thus the product may then appear less successful than it could be.
c. Yes, if media advertising reaches a very large area outside that market, it may pull in many consumers from outside the market being tested and thus the product may then appear more successful than it really is.
d. Yes, if media advertising persuades consumers in the market area, the product may then appear more successful than it really is. It would be an advertising success, not a product success.
Answer: c. Yes, if media advertising reaches a very large area outside that market, it may pull in many consumers from outside the market being tested and thus the product may then appear more successful than it really is.