Andrea Arenas is the owner of 2 Places at 1 Time, a concierge company. She and her staff of 60 perform everyday services such as walking the dog, picking up cleaning, waiting for the repairman, and going to the post office for people who are too busy to perform these simple acts. She is often hired by major corporations to perform services for their harried executives and their spouses. Her clients can evaluate the services that 2 Places at 1 Time provide

Andrea Arenas is the owner of 2 Places at 1 Time, a concierge company. She and her staff of 60 perform everyday services such as walking the dog, picking up cleaning, waiting for the repairman, and going to the post office for people who are too busy to perform these simple acts. She is often hired by major corporations to perform services for their harried executives and their spouses. Her clients can evaluate the services that 2 Places at 1 Time provide

a. only before they are purchased.

b. only after they are consumed.

c. only at the same time as they are purchased or consumed.

d. before, during, and/or after they are purchased or consumed.


Answer: E

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