How do Business marketer's keep a customer's sales?
- meeting current needs
- partnership with customers to solve problems
- build close, long-term relationships with customers
- supplier relationship management
- developing a core of suppliers and working closer with them
Learn More :
Marketing Principles
- List each aspect of the company's macro-environment.
- What are the most important cultural values of a society (company's macro-environment)?
- 8 of the Consumer, Cultural trends in the Macroenvironment are.
- What is a company's Cultural Macroenvironment?
- What events have caused an increase in interest in Ethics and Social Responsibility?
- Why has business legislation been enacted?
- Which countries have strong consumer protection laws?
- What have more govt. regulations on technology provoked?
- What does new technology create?
- What is the Good, Bad and Ugly of the Technological Environment of a company's Macro-Environment?
- What are Natural Environment "enlightened" firms responding to consumer demands with?
- What are the three important trends in the natural environment that Marketers should be aware of?
- What was the Earth Decade and when did it occur?
- What are the two dimension so fthe Natural Environment of a company's macroenvironment?
- Marketers consider income distribution by separating society into four economic classes, what are they?
- What are some of the major historical US economic trends?
- What are the two extremes of the Economic Environment of a company's Macro-Environment?
- What is the challenge in the analysis of the Economic Environment?
- Countries vary in ethnic and racial makeup (True or False?)
- More educated people will lead to an increase in demand for.
- How many Americans telecommute?
- What are some of the population shifts that have occured in the US over the past 25 years?
- Why do population shifts, interest marketers?
- What is the single most important demographic trend in the US?
- What do Marketers need to keep track of?