A music lover wanting a higher-quality sound from a CD player is most apt to use which of the following levels of problem solving?

A music lover wanting a higher-quality sound from a CD player is most apt to use which of the following levels of problem solving?

A. Limited problem solving

B. Routinized response behavior

C. Extensive problem solving

D. Psychological variable problem solving

E. Social influences

Answer: (C) This person is seeking an infrequently purchased, expensive, potentially high-risk product and would most likely utilize extensive problem solving. Limited problem solving (A) would be used by a consumer when they regularly select a particular means of personal needs satisfaction, such as buying a recently issued CD. (B) is incorrect. Routinized response would be used for a low involvement, regularly purchased product such as sugar, salt, or a favorite brand of beer. Psychological variables (D) include motivation, perception, etc., and are not related to this particular question. Social influences (E) include family, social class, reference groups, etc., and are not relevant to this level of problem solving.

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