Sugar Bear Fresh Farm Produce is a premium item sold in exclusive stores where freshness and quality are crucial. Which form of transportation should Sugar Bear Fresh Farm Produce utilize in order to get their goods from Colorado to Pennsylvania?

Sugar Bear Fresh Farm Produce is a premium item sold in exclusive stores where freshness and quality are crucial. Which form of transportation should Sugar Bear Fresh Farm Produce utilize in order to get their goods from Colorado to Pennsylvania?

A. They shouldn't ship that far.

B. Air

C. Water

D. Train

E. Pipeline

Answer: (B) Because of spoilage, Sugar Bear may want to utilize air. In order to increase their market and serve their customers, Sugar Bear may well want to serve the Pennsylvania market, so (A) is incorrect. Water (C) is probably unavailable between Colorado and Pennsylvania, and even if it were, the mode of transportation is probably far too slow for a perishable product. Train (D) may be a viable method of transportation, however, since the produce is a perishable product, the slower forms of transportation like train may not be the best choice for a long journey (unless refrigerated cars are used, and the customer service level is low). Pipelines (E) are not feasible options since fresh produce cannot be sent through this form of transportation.

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