The manufacturing of a telephone, using various raw materials, is an example of what type of utility?

The manufacturing of a telephone, using various raw materials, is an example of what type of utility?

A. Task

B. Possession

C. Time

D. Form

E. Place

Answer: (D) Form utility deals with something that is made out of some other material(s), usually called raw materials, thus the manufacturing of a telephone creates form utility. Task utility (A) is incorrect because this is service- related and deals with a person providing a task for someone. (B) is incorrect because possession utility refers to having the right to use or consume a good or service. Time utility is having a product ready for the customer(s) when she or he needs or wants it, so (C) is incorrect. Place utility (E) refers to having a product for a customer where they want it, thus (E) is incorrect.

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