When entering a foreign market, a marketer may need to adapt or modify which of the following promotional methods to meet the culture norms of the target market?

When entering a foreign market, a marketer may need to adapt or modify which of the following promotional methods to meet the culture norms of the target market?

A. Theme

B. Copy color

C. Product's name

D. Media

E. All of the above

Answer: (E) The company must consider each of the elements before entering a foreign market since not doing so could result in embarrassment for the marketer (or worse). Although theme is a correct answer (A), it of itself is not sufficient to support the promotional program. Copy color (B) is important, and the impact of color for the foreign market should be studied; however, it is not the best choice. Product name (C) and the media mix (D) are also important considerations, and are correct, but by themselves they are not the best choice.

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