What is purchase dissonance and what are ways you can lower the level of dissonance?

What is purchase dissonance and what are ways you can lower the level of dissonance?

Answer: Some people refer to purchase dissonance as buyer's remorse. Dissonance causes tension over whether the right decision was made in buying the product.

Some ways that you can help the buyer be satisfied with the product and lower the level of dissonance include:

· If necessary, show the buyer how to use the product properly.
· Be realistic in making claims for the product. Exaggerated claims may create dissatisfaction.
· Continually reinforce buyers' decisions by reminding them how well the product actually performs and fulfills their needs. Buyers may seek assurance (positive reinforcement) from the salesperson or friends that the product is a good one and that they made the correct purchase decision.
· Follow up after the sale to determine if a problem exists. If so, help correct it.

In summary, seek to sell a product that satisfies the buyer's needs. In doing so, remember that the sale is made only when the actual purchase is complete and that you should continue to reinforce the buyer's attitudes about the product at all times, even after the sale. This practice reduces the perceived risk of making a bad buy, which allows buyers to listen to and trust your sales message even though some of your proposals may be out of line with their purchase plans. It also can reduce the buyers' postpurchase dissonance. Buyers who have developed a trust in your product claims believe that you will help them properly use the product.

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