Four steps in the Job-centric service innovation model?
• Determine what job or jobs customers are trying to get done by using current services and support
• Scan customer-firm touch points for insights on why current services are hired
• Ask the right questions of customers
• Deeply probe to reveal what customers are trying to achieve
• Determine whether the jobs for which customers are hiring current services are part of a larger process
• Determine if the jobs for which current services are hired are part of a more encompassing job process.
• Identify beginning and end points of the job customers are trying to get done
• Break down the customer job into a series of steps through job mapping
• Determine what opportunities exist to help customers get these jobs done better
• Capture customer outcomes at each step in the entire customer job
• Ensure outcomes are forward-looking measures of success from a customer perspective
• Determine which customer outcomes are important but poorly satisfied.
• Invest time, talent and resources in value creation that will be most meaningful to customers and most differentiated from competitors
• Focus firm time, talent, and resources on unmet customer needs
• Consider innovations both in how services are delivered and what services are delivered
• Transform the customer's role from the buyer to a more active contributor in the value creation process
• Harness customer competence to provide symbiotic benefits to both organizations