Observers of the supermarket industry see no letup in the use of checkoutcounter-based target marketing.

Observers of the supermarket industry see no letup in the use of checkoutcounter-based target marketing. 

Sav More supermarkets have installed an electronic marketing system in their stores. The system allows the stores to do more direct mail promotions by combining the current SavMore's check cashing cards with the new Sav More's Bonus Club frequent shopper cards. The new system uses barcode scanners and magnetic cards issued to shoppers to track all purchases. As with most customer databases, demographic information is gathered for subsequent offers to frequent shopper club members, and psychographic information is tracked whenever customers use the magnetic strip cards to make purchases. Generally, marketing to these consumers achieves better results than freestanding insert (FSI) coupons.

  • Refer to SavMore Supermarkets. Al Edisto, SavMore's frozen food manager, decided that the best way to determine what is causing the drop in orange juice sales was to conduct a survey among shoppers in the store's frozen food section. Edisto collected data.

a. single-source
b. secondary
c. representational
d. primary
e. dichotomous


  • Refer to SavMore Supermarkets. Al Edisto, SavMore's frozen food manager, decided to survey each customer who stops in front of the frozen orange juice section on Saturday. Edisto used a sample for his research project.

a. random
b. piggyback
c. probability
d. stratified
e. convenience


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