Years ago United Parcel Service (UPS) ran an ad campaign based around the slogan, "moving at the speed of business." Later, UPS introduced a new slogan, "What can brown do for you?" The new ads are designed to make customers aware of the different services besides fast delivery that UPS offers. By moving away from promoting itself as simply a delivery company, UPS has:

Years ago United Parcel Service (UPS) ran an ad campaign based around the slogan, "moving at the speed of business." Later, UPS introduced a new slogan, "What can brown do for you?" The new ads are designed to make customers aware of the different services besides fast delivery that UPS offers. By moving away from promoting itself as simply a delivery company, UPS has:

A. used a repositioning strategy.

B. segmented the market in new, more profitable ways.

C. adopted a concentrated strategy.

D. adopted an undifferentiated strategy.

E. employed lifestyle segmentation

Answer: A

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