A visitor to schoolpop.com will notice that it contains little text, no sound or video and a large number of links that have one thing in common—they are all retailers hoping to attract consumers who wish to support non-profits with their purchases. Which of the following best describes the schoolpop.com website?

A visitor to schoolpop.com will notice that it contains little text, no sound or video and a large number of links that have one thing in common—they are all retailers hoping to attract consumers who wish to support non-profits with their purchases. Which of the following best describes the schoolpop.com website?

a) The website has an emphasis on context and minimal content

b) The website has minimal context and an emphasis on community

c) The website has no content whatsoever

d) The website has minimal content and but emphasizes on connection

e) The website emphasizes commerce and makes little or no use of the other six elements of website design

Answer: d

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