List the government agencies that are involved in promoting foreign investment and international business.

List the government agencies that are involved in promoting foreign investment and international business.

The Department of Commerce (DOC) is the principal agency that supports U.S. business abroad. The International Trade Administration (ITA), a bureau of the DOC, is dedicated to helping U.S. businesses compete in the global marketplace. 

Other agencies that provide assistance to U.S. companies include: Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) underwrites trade and investments for U.S. firms. Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA), an agency of the Ex-Im Bank, provides credit insurance that minimizes nonpayment risk caused by financial, economic, or political uncertainties. 

The Agency for International Development (AID) provides aid to underdeveloped countries and has limited protection in support of "essential" projects in approved countries and for approved products. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) provides risk insurance for companies investing in less-developed countries.

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