Visitors to the Universal Studios theme park can borrow one of three user-controlled webcams to take pictures of the park and themselves enjoying the park. Then the webcam users can e-mail the pictures to their friends. The average webcam user sends four e-mails to friends and has resulted in more than 6 million park images being sent to potential visitors. Universal Studios is using __________ to promote its theme park.

Visitors to the Universal Studios theme park can borrow one of three user-controlled webcams to take pictures of the park and themselves enjoying the park. Then the webcam users can e-mail the pictures to their friends. The average webcam user sends four e-mails to friends and has resulted in more than 6 million park images being sent to potential visitors. Universal Studios is using __________ to promote its theme park.

a) opt-out marketing

b) customerization

c) viral marketing

d) niche marketing

e) permission marketing

Answer: c

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