What are group influences that influence buying decisions?

What are group influences that influence buying decisions?

• The people around us also influence our buying decisions

• Role influence: we occupy positions within groups. A role is a set of characteristics and expected social behaviors based on the expectations of others. All the roles we assume influence our general behavior and buying behavior.

• Reference group influence: categories of people that you see yourself belonging to, and with which you habitually compare yourself. Members influence the values, attitudes, and behaviors of one another. Acts as a point of comparison and a source of information for the member. Observe other people in group to establish our own norms, and these norms become a guide for our purchasing activity.

• Social class influence: Society's permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests, and behavior. Combination of factors determine class.

• Cultural influence: Culture is accumulation of values, rules of behavior, forms of expression, religious beliefs, transmitted behavior patterns, and the like for a group of people who share a common language and environment. Encourage or discourage particular behaviors and mental processes. Maintain and transmit our culture chiefly through language. Within cultures are subcultures, groups whose members share value systems based on common life experiences.

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