Leupold & Stevens, Inc., a North American manufacturer of rifle scopes, uses a variety of pricing strategies for its rifle scopes. For some, the company uses above-, at-, or below-market pricing to reach as many customers as possible. The company is more concerned about making a profit for the complete line of its scopes - rather than making a profit on just one item in its product. Leupold & Stevens uses:

Leupold & Stevens, Inc., a North American manufacturer of rifle scopes, uses a variety of pricing strategies for its rifle scopes. For some, the company uses above-, at-, or below-market pricing to reach as many customers as possible. The company is more concerned about making a profit for the complete line of its scopes - rather than making a profit on just one item in its product. Leupold & Stevens uses:


line item pricing.


product-line pricing.


price lining.


customary pricing.

Answer: B

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