One of the divisions or Proctor and Gamble (P&G) manufacturers and markets health and beauty aids. It handles products like Olay lotions and Old Spice fragrances. This part of the business has its own accounting, engineering, manufacturing, and marketing departments separate from the rest of th eorganization. This division also has its own mission statement, target markets, and planning committees. this segment of P&G would be termed a

One of the divisions or Proctor and Gamble (P&G) manufacturers and markets health and beauty aids. It handles products like Olay lotions and Old Spice fragrances. This part of the business has its own accounting, engineering, manufacturing, and marketing departments separate from the rest of th eorganization. This division also has its own mission statement, target markets, and planning committees. this segment of P&G would be termed a

Answer: strategic business unit

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