The list provided by the International Trade Administration to a potential exporter with the names and addresses of potential distributors in foreign markets, along with businesses they are in, is called the
A. ELAN list.
B. "best prospects" list.
C. "comparison shopping service."
D. SCORE list.
E. export management list.
Answer: B. "best prospects" list
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International Business
- Firms for which licensing is not a good option include those in
- Although it normally involves much longer-term commitments, franchising is essentially the service industry version of
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- As an incentive to encourage domestic firms to undertake FDI, many countries have
- Which of the following is a home-country policy for limiting outward FDI?
- Offshore production refers to FDI undertaken
- Which of the following is most likely to be the effect of FDI in the form of a greenfield investment on the host country?
- Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding the adverse effects of FDI on the host country?
- Which account in the balance of payments records transactions involving the export and import of goods and services?
- A current account deficit is also known as a(n)
- When a country is importing more goods and services than it is exporting, it is incurring a(n)
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- Direct effects of FDI on employment in the host country arise when a foreign MNE
- Indirect effects of FDI on employment in a host country arise when
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- The tendency to aggressively court FDI believed to be in the national interest of a country is an aspect of
- Which of the following is true regarding the pragmatic nationalist view of FDI?
- The main benefits of inward FDI for a host country arise from
- Foreign managers trained in the latest management techniques can often help to improve the efficiency of operations in the host country, whether those operations are acquired or greenfield developments. This benefit of FDI falls into the category of
- According to the _____, FDI has both benefits and costs and should be allowed only if the benefits outweigh the costs.