Martha had several unpleasant experiences trying to find the merchandise she needed at a large lumber yard and hardware store. The employees—when she could find them—rarely seemed to know where anything was outside of their own departments. But on her most recent visit, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the store had installed kiosks where she could get directions quickly and accurately. The store had found a technological solution to the services marketing issue of

Martha had several unpleasant experiences trying to find the merchandise she needed at a large lumber yard and hardware store. The employees—when she could find them—rarely seemed to know where anything was outside of their own departments. But on her most recent visit, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the store had installed kiosks where she could get directions quickly and accurately. The store had found a technological solution to the services marketing issue of 

A. intangibility.

B. part-time employees.

C. perishability.

D. inseparability.

E. heterogeneity.

Answer: E. heterogeneity.

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