The Floral Group, an importing organization in New York, has just bought an excessive amount of perfume from perfume manufacturer in Paris. Unknown to the perfume manufacturer, the Floral Group has sold 25 percent of its order to distributors in France that have been unable to purchase any products from the perfume manufacturer. Which of the following best describes the transaction that has just taken place?

The Floral Group, an importing organization in New York, has just bought an excessive amount of perfume from perfume manufacturer in Paris. Unknown to the perfume manufacturer, the Floral Group has sold 25 percent of its order to distributors in France that have been unable to purchase any products from the perfume manufacturer. Which of the following best describes the transaction that has just taken place?

A. Black-listed importing

B. Direct importing

C. Circular importing

D. Co-mingled importing

E. Parallel importing

Answer: Parallel importing

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