Traits and Consumer Behaviour

What is a trait?

Traits are defined as enduring and stable patterns of behaviour, attitudes, emotions, that vary between individuals, and can act as chronic motivators that drive decision-making.

How do they relate to consumer behaviour and research?

As personality traits and consumer behaviours can be measured accurately, understanding the relationships between the traits and behaviours allows a researcher to understand the motivations. When a trait is correlated with a consumer behaviour, it can be inferred that whatever motivation this trait is connected to is the motivation for that behaviour.

What consumer personality measures have been found to be useful in explaining consumer reactions to promotion and marketing strategy?

- Innovativeness
- Dogmatism
- Ethnocentrism
- Character
- Need for uniqueness
- Susceptibility to interpersonal influence
- Optimum stimulation level
- Need for cognition
- Locus of control
- Uncertainty orientation.

What is Innovativeness?

Innovativeness is the degree to which an individual makes innovation decisions independently of the communicated experience of others, and is seen in early adoption, novelty seeking and creativity.

What is Dogmatism?

Dogmatism is the extent to which a person can react to information in the environment on its own merits. A highly dogmatic person is less concerned about ambiguous information if it is presented by prestigious communicators or authority figures, and is less likely to change their strong beliefs is these in the absence of these.

What is Ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism is a view of things in which one's now group is the centre of everything, and all others are scaled with reference to it, and imply support for a in-group. Consumer ethnocentrism is seen with preference for purchasing domestic products.

What is Character?

A consumer's social Character is a personality trait that on a continuum varies from an emphasis of inner direction (contemplation and inner values) to outer direction (looking to other of guidance and direction). Inner directed consumers more likely to try new products, while other directed prefer prestigious brands.

What is Need for uniqueness?

Need for uniqueness relates to an individuals pursuit of differentness relative to others that is achieved through acquisition, utilisation, and disposition of consumer goods for the purpose of developing and enhancing one's personal and social identity. NFU is associated with individualised decision making and a preference for specialist retailers, and less reliance on others choices, status, and luxury.

What is Susceptibility to interpersonal influence?

Susceptibility to interpersonal influence is the need to identify with or enhance one's image in the opinion of significant others throughout the acquisition and use of products and brands. SII is associated with receptiveness to behavioural change campaigns, and also to impulse buying due to the influence of factors in the external environment.

What is Optimum stimulation level?

Optimum stimulation level is defined as an arousal seeking tendency where every consumer prefers a certain level of stimulation, with behaviour driven to increase or decrease environmental stimulation to optimum levels. Consumers with high OSL will seek out additional information, variety, and new experiences and products.

What is Need for cognition?

Need for cognition relates to a preference for interpreting information. Consumers with high NFC prefer detailed product information and engage in detailed information searches. Low NFC indicates a preference in visual advertisements

What is Locus of control?

Locus of control relates to an individual's belief about the level of control they have over their environment. High LOC indicates a preference for use of complex products, self service technology, and being prepared and purposive in shopping behaviours.

What is Uncertainty orientation?

Uncertainty orientation is the degree to which an individuals accepts ambiguity in the marketplace. Low UO individuals prefer complete information and influences the degree of search carried out when considering purchases.

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