Callaway Golf Co.: Callaway Golf Co. has long been a leader in women's golf equipment, but it wanted to expand its lead in this growing sector of the market.
While Callaway's technical people knew what could be done with design, they did not know exactly what women wanted in their clubs. Callaway management decided what it needed to do was to bring the technicians and women golfers together. Beginning about three years ago, Callaway sent a team of researchers, designers, and golf pros out to visit with 40 women golfers of various abilities in locations from California to Florida. In selecting the golfers to study, Callaway decided to focus on women who were just beginning to play, as well as, experienced, competitive golfers who wanted to own the latest equipment. Callaway management felt that these two extreme groups of golfers had been overlooked by golf club manufacturers.
Further, Callaway felt that if enough could be learned about these two groups, then the company would also learn enough to serve the rest of the women golfer market. Basically, the research team observed the women playing golf and listened to their comments and concerns. The information gathered by this research team was built into every aspect of the design of a new golf club, including the feel of the club, the length of the club shaft and size of the club head, and the weight of the club. When prototypes of the new clubs were completed, they were sent to the women golfers to get their feedback. That feedback was then used to refine the club design. This process went on until the women said the new clubs greatly enhanced their game. The entire process from original prototype to final product took a little less than one year.
- Refer to Callaway Golf Co. The type of research gathered by the Callaway Golf research team would be called:
a. secondary
b. developmental
c. descriptive
d. subjective
e. focus group
- Refer to Callaway Golf Co. When Callaway researchers asked questions like "What bothers you the most about your irons?" what type of questions were they asking?
a. Scaled response
b. Close-ended
c. Dichotomous
d. Open-ended
e. Multiple answer
- Refer to Callaway Golf Co. When Callaway researchers asked questions like "Now that you have played with the new club, how likely would you say you would be to buy it?" they asked golfers to respond on the following scale: 1 = would definitely not buy it 2 = would probably not buy it 3 = might or might not buy it 4 = would probably buy it 5 = would definitely buy it. What type of question is this?
a. Scaled response
b. Limited response
c. Dichotomous
d. Open-ended
e. Multiple answer
- Refer to Callaway Golf Co. Callaway used its contacts at golf courses around the country to find the 40 women for its study. The 40 women would most likely be called a ___ sample.
a. systematic
b. convenience
c. cluster
d. stratified
e. random
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Marketing Chapter 9
- Which of the following is an internal source for new product ideas?
- John's fascination for his grandmother's sherbet recipes inspired him to come up with a recipe for SherBetter, a gourmet sherbet for the American market. Which of the following stages of the new product development process does this exemplify?
- A particular firm added three new products earlier this year to increase variety for customers. Two of the products failed to reach the minimal sales quota. Which of the following is LEAST likely to have been the cause of their failure?
- Electron Corp. purchased Proton Corp. by buying all of its assets and ownership equity. This is an example of a(n) ________.
- Acquisition refers to ________.
- Which of the following is a significant challenge presented by the product life cycle?
- Which of the following questions should be used as a criterion when evaluating creative output?
- During the 1999 Super Bowl, many people saw and remembered the ad that showed former Superman star and then wheelchair-bound Christopher Reeves walking to a podium to receive an award. Few people remember the product being advertised because of the:
- During which stage of commercial production process do activities such as editing, recording of sound effects, audio/video mixing, and agency approval occur?
- Once the basic script for a television commercial has been conceived, the writer and the art director get together to produce a ____, a series of drawings used to present the visual plan or layout of the commercial.
- A written version of a television commercial that provides a detailed description of its video and audio content is known as a:
- _____ are catchy songs about a product or service that usually carry the advertising theme and a simple message.
- The use of actor James Garner's voice reading poetry in a series of automobile commercials is an example of a:
- ____ is an occupational term in the advertising and music industries that refers to prefabricated, multipurpose music that is often used as the background audio portion of a commercial.
- The audio portion of a commercial is often presented through the use of a(n):
- A copywriter can determine how much space he or she has to work with and how much copy to write after seeing the print ad's:
- The physical arrangement of the various parts of an ad including headlines, subheads, illustrations, body copy and identifying marks is known as:
- When deciding on the visual portion of a print ad, an advertiser must determine:
- The _____ is considered the heart of a print ad but is often difficult to get readers to attend to.
- What is the main text portion of a print ad called?
- _____ are the print ad components used to break up large amounts of copy and highlight key selling points.
- _____ are secondary headlines that usually appear in a type size smaller than the main headline but larger than the body copy of a print ad.
- Underneath the headline, "Fully Loaded," in the ad for Browning shotguns was "Our most comprehensive line of autoloading shotguns ever." The second statement was printed in a typeface larger than the body copy but smaller than the headline. The second statement in the ad is an example of a:
- A print ad for Wilson Ultra golf balls used the headline "Do you ever wonder why John Daly can hit a golf ball so far?" This is an example of a(n):
- A print ad for the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet used the headline, "Maybe Eve was on to something." This is an example of a(n):