The World Gold Council recently launched the "Lost Ring Hunt" with a billboard in Times Square announcing that a woman lost her gold wedding band. Viewers of the ad are encouraged to follow Twitter to discover clues that will help them find the lost ring. The first person to identify the location of the ring will win a cash prize and a trip to New York City. The "Lost Ring Hunt" is an example of a(n) ________.

The World Gold Council recently launched the "Lost Ring Hunt" with a billboard in Times Square announcing that a woman lost her gold wedding band. Viewers of the ad are encouraged to follow Twitter to discover clues that will help them find the lost ring. The first person to identify the location of the ring will win a cash prize and a trip to New York City. The "Lost Ring Hunt" is an example of a(n) ________.

A) virtual world

B) widget

C) alternate reality game

D) broadcast medium

Answer: C) alternate reality game

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