Describe the concept of nationalism and list some of the ways it manifests.

Describe the concept of nationalism and list some of the ways it manifests.

Nationalism can best be described as an intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country. This pride can take an anti-foreign business bias, where minor harassment and controls of foreign investment are supported, if not applauded. 

Economic nationalism has as one of its central aims the preservation of national economic autonomy, in that residents identify their interests with the preservation of the sovereignty of the state in which they reside. In other words, national interest and security are more important than international relations. 

Feelings of nationalism are manifested in a variety of ways, including a call to "buy our country's products only" (e.g., "Buy American"), restrictions on imports, restrictive tariffs, and other barriers to trade. They may also lead to control over foreign investment. 

Generally speaking, the more a country feels threatened by some outside force or the domestic economy declines, the more nationalistic it becomes in protecting itself against intrusions.

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