In terms of sales and market share, Rexona is the number one brand of deodorant worldwide. Since its creation in Australia in 1908, it has added an antiperspirant, a stick deodorant, Rexona for Men, Rexona for Women, Rexona for Teens, and Rexona Skin Friendly. These additions are examples of:

In terms of sales and market share, Rexona is the number one brand of deodorant worldwide. Since its creation in Australia in 1908, it has added an antiperspirant, a stick deodorant, Rexona for Men, Rexona for Women, Rexona for Teens, and Rexona Skin Friendly. These additions are examples of:

a) product line extensions

b) product portfolio width adjustments

c) product item contractions

d) SBU expansions

e) product mix widths

Answer: A

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