What is the difference between: routinized response behavior, limited problem solving, and extended problem solving?

What is the difference between: routinized response behavior, limited problem solving, and extended problem solving?

a) routinized response behavior

A type of purchasing scenario whereby the purchaser of a product or a service has past experience with purchasing it and automatically makes the decision to purchase again. Brand recognition plays a large part in routine response behavior. Can also be referred to as habitual response behavior.

b) limited problem solving, and

The consumer has a clear vision of its expectations and decision criteria. He already had an experience with the product and knows it. However, he is still undecided about the brand or a particular model to choose and which one will best meet his needs. The level of consumer involvement is moderate and information seeking is more limited. He will compare available products and especially want to determine which brand is best for him. The purchasing process will be shorter. This is the kind of behavior found for occasional purchases such as clothing, video games and cosmetics.

c) extended problem solving?

It is when the consumer discovers a new product category or wants to buy a product he does not know well and / or is particularly expensive and / or which present a significant risk regarding his economical or psychological point of view. His lack of "experience" in the matter leads to his lack of decision criteria to make his choice. He has no preference for a brand or a specific product. The level of consumer involvement is high. He will invest a lot of time looking for information and benchmarks to make his choice. The level of uncertainty and confusion about the choice of product can be high. The purchase process is usually quite long. This is the case, for example, for buying a car or a new computer.

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