Febreeze is an odor-controlling spray manufactured by Procter & Gamble. When Febreze was introduced, it was rumored to be a pet killer. P&G had to spend lots of money debunking the false claim and requested help from the SPCA before consumers would purchase the product in the numbers expected. This promotion to debunk a false claim changed consumers' attitudes by:

Febreeze is an odor-controlling spray manufactured by Procter & Gamble. When Febreze was introduced, it was rumored to be a pet killer. P&G had to spend lots of money debunking the false claim and requested help from the SPCA before consumers would purchase the product in the numbers expected. This promotion to debunk a false claim changed consumers' attitudes by:

A) changing beliefs about the extent to which a brand has certain attributes.
B) adding a new attribute to the product.
C) changing the basic product.
D) adding a new attribute and re-positioning the product.
E) lowering the price.

Answer: A

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