Suppose a soft drink company sponsored a made-for-television movie with the understanding that subliminal images of its product logo would be interspersed throughout the program. Which of the following is the strongest argument that such a marketing strategy would be unethical?

Suppose a soft drink company sponsored a made-for-television movie with the understanding that subliminal images of its product logo would be interspersed throughout the program. Which of the following is the strongest argument that such a marketing strategy would be unethical?

A) Soft drinks can cause tooth decay.
B) The images of the product logo might interfere with the plot and impact of the movie.
C) The soft drink company would be attempting to influence the behavior of the consumers in a manner the consumers might object to if they were aware of what was occurring.
D) The soft drink company may not have paid a fair price to have the images of its logo placed in the movie.
E) Children might be watching the program.

Answer: C

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