A ban on billboards in Brazil meant they have to come down, and in addition, transit ads on buses and taxis were not allowed. Denied access to traditional outdoor advertising, companies devised a number of alternative ways to communicate with prospective customers. These ways included all of the following except:

A ban on billboards in Brazil meant they have to come down, and in addition, transit ads on buses and taxis were not allowed. Denied access to traditional outdoor advertising, companies devised a number of alternative ways to communicate with prospective customers. These ways included all of the following except:

A) Citibank used the color blue in much of its advertising.
B) ads were placed indoors in elevators.
C) ads were placed in rest rooms and other indoor traffic areas.
D) ads were placed on buses.
E) ads were placed using social media or online channels.

Answer: D) ads were placed on buses.

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