RugRatReaders: Greg Martin has developed his own line of children's books. The books are written for children ages 3 to 6 and are produced using cotton fiber as pages, rendering them "nearly" indestructible. This unique feature makes Martin's books superior to the competition. His products are called RugRatReaders.

RugRatReaders: Greg Martin has developed his own line of children's books. The books are written for children ages 3 to 6 and are produced using cotton fiber as pages, rendering them "nearly" indestructible. This unique feature makes Martin's books superior to the competition. His products are called RugRatReaders. 

Martin has decided to advertise the books to his target market (women with children ages 3 to 6) via radio. He does not have a formal advertising budget, but he will spend whatever money he has in the bank after producing the books each month. His message will focus on the product and its unique features. Martin has been having problems getting retailers to stock his new product. It is Martin's hope that consumers will go to their local bookstores and ask for the RugRatReaders.

  • Refer to RugRatReaders. In all of Martin's ads, he will emphasize the books' indestructibility. This represents the product's:

a. tactical advantage.
b. competitive advantage.
c. feedback.
d. promotional result.
e. objective strategy.


  • Refer to RugRatReaders. The promotional campaign Martin is utilizing is designed to accomplish which basic promotional task?

a. Rewarding
b. Persuading
c. Informing
d. Influencing
e. Reminding


  • Refer to RugRatReaders. Martin's choice of radio as his promotional tool is based on the fact that it is a oneway mass communication vehicle. Radio is most commonly used with which promotional mix element?

a. Public relations
b. Advertising
c. Direct marketing
d. Sales promotion
e. Sponsorship


  • Refer to RugRatReaders. According to the AIDA model, the first step Martin must achieve with his target market is:

a. attention.
b. interest.
c. liking.
d. desire.
e. action.


  • Refer to RugRatReaders. In attempting to get consumers to ask the retailer for his product, Martin is using a ___ promotional strategy:

a. push
b. pull
c. kinetic
d. publicity
e. reinforcement


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