Western Union is in the business of providing a medium for international money transfers. Through the services of Western Union, a Mexican working in the United States can transfer a portion of his or her earnings to family members still living in Mexico. The company is now planning to move into areas traditionally handled by banks, such as offering its customers checking accounts and loans. If it does follow through and provide these additional services, Western Union will exemplify ___ services.

Western Union is in the business of providing a medium for international money transfers. Through the services of Western Union, a Mexican working in the United States can transfer a portion of his or her earnings to family members still living in Mexico. The company is now planning to move into areas traditionally handled by banks, such as offering its customers checking accounts and loans. If it does follow through and provide these additional services, Western Union will exemplify ___ services.

a. complementary
b. secondary
c. peripheral
d. supplementary
e. additional


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