All they had was Dreyers Ice Cream and Bruce was really in the mood for Haagen Daz. So he walked over to Stonestown mall in order to get a bowl of Haagen Daz Ice Cream even though he really didn't have the time. In terms of product classification, Haagen Daz ice cream could best be described as a(n) for Bruce?

All they had was Dreyers Ice Cream and Bruce was really in the mood for Haagen Daz. So he walked over to Stonestown mall in order to get a bowl of Haagen Daz Ice Cream even though he really didn't have the time. In terms of product classification, Haagen Daz ice cream could best be described as a(n) for Bruce?

a. Sought product.

b. Unsought product

c. Convenience product

d. Shopping product

e. Specialty product

Answer: Specialty product

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