Paul Avery is a salesperson at the only Ford automobile dealership in Winnipeg, Manitoba. However, there are several other auto dealerships in town, offering both domestic and foreign cars and trucks. Paul works hard to keep his customers satisfied because he knows that if his customers are unhappy, they can simply buy a car from one of the many other comparable dealers in Winnipeg. This is an example of:

Paul Avery is a salesperson at the only Ford automobile dealership in Winnipeg, Manitoba. However, there are several other auto dealerships in town, offering both domestic and foreign cars and trucks. Paul works hard to keep his customers satisfied because he knows that if his customers are unhappy, they can simply buy a car from one of the many other comparable dealers in Winnipeg. This is an example of:


pure competition.


monopolistic competition.


an oligopoly.


a monopoly.

Answer: B

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