Bombardier makes corporate jets. The aircraft company relies heavily on outside suppliers for design support and to share development costs and market risks. For its newest plane, the Continental, Bombardier has about 30 prime suppliers—about ten of those have been involved since the initial design phase. Furthermore, as the owner of the defunct Lear Jet Corporation, Bombardier is the leading marketer of corporate jets. Bombardier is an example of a:

Bombardier makes corporate jets. The aircraft company relies heavily on outside suppliers for design support and to share development costs and market risks. For its newest plane, the Continental, Bombardier has about 30 prime suppliers—about ten of those have been involved since the initial design phase. Furthermore, as the owner of the defunct Lear Jet Corporation, Bombardier is the leading marketer of corporate jets. Bombardier is an example of a:


product champion.


product captain.


channel captain.


director of distribution.

Answer: C

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