Kellogg's promoted a Bart Simpson watch to consumers who mailed in $2.95 and 3 UPCs from boxes of Kellogg's cereal. The appearance of Bart Simpson on the watch instead of the Kellogg's logo would:

Kellogg's promoted a Bart Simpson watch to consumers who mailed in $2.95 and 3 UPCs from boxes of Kellogg's cereal. The appearance of Bart Simpson on the watch instead of the Kellogg's logo would:

A. detract from the consumer franchise building value of the promotion.

B. create problems in supply and demand.

C. make inventory forecasting easier.

D. fully support Kellogg's in its consumer franchise building promotion.

E. make it unnecessary for Kellogg's to run a nonfranchise building promotion.

Answer: A

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